With 30% of the MET Orchestra Musicians unable to live in New York City anymore, due to having not received salaries from The Metropolitan Opera for almost 8 months, the situation is becoming more and more devastating each day. These world-class musicians inspire the communities they live in through teaching, mentorship and as role models. Losing musicians of this calibre will have an impact on New York City that goes far beyond the immense cultural consequence of losing world-renowned opera at Lincoln Center. The economic results of this loss have already been well documented to collaterally strain tourism, restaurant businesses and local business of all kinds.
The MET Orchestra is grateful to Spring Point Partners for their generous $150,000 contribution to their 501(c)3 fund that supports The MET Orchestra Musicians, Associates, Music Staff and Librarians through needs-based grants.
C. Graham Berwind III, a Director of Spring Point Partners said:
“As a board member of three arts organizations – The Metropolitan Opera, Dramatists Guild Foundation, and Opera America – I’m acutely aware what effect the total shut down of the performing arts is having on people who bring the arts to life. While we all wait for the day it is safe for performers and audiences to return to theaters, many performers are experiencing financial hardship as major arts organizations announce the cancellation of their seasons.“
Berwind continues to say that this cause is personally important to him:
“I felt it was important not only to support these organizations to help sustain them, but also to provide assistance directly to campaigns established to make emergency grants to artists in need – such as the ones started by the MET Orchestra Musicians, the Met Chorus Artists, and the Dramatists Guild Foundation.“
Berwind’s hope is that these contributions will help raise awareness of the plight of so many involved in the Performing Arts, and encourage others to contribute what they can during these unprecedented times.
The MET Orchestra Musicians have also launched a concert platform and will present their opening concert on November 22 at 3PM EST. All proceeds will go to the MET Orchestra Musicians Fund benefitting over 150 musicians in need, including full time orchestra members, associates, librarians and affiliated music staff. Tickets are available here.
Donations to The MET Orchestra Musicians can be made online at metorchestramusicians.org or by mail addressed to “MET Orchestra Musicians Fund” P.O. Box 230549, New York, NY 10023-0010. Contributions to The MET Orchestra Musicians Fund may be eligible for a charitable income tax deduction; please consult your tax advisor for eligibility. The Internal Revenue Service recognizes the MET Orchestra Musicians Fund as a Section 501(c)3 public charity. Their Federal Tax ID Number is 46-5671164.